
Panic Disorder

Panic Disorder services offered in Harrisburg, PA

Panic Disorder

The fear of suffering a distressing panic attack when you’re out and about can make leaving home increasingly difficult for people with panic disorders. If you’re affected by panic attacks, Grace Muthami, PMHNP-BC of Brightmind Wellness in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, can help you overcome your fear. Grace uses cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and other techniques to reduce panic attack severity and frequency. Call Brightmind Wellness to find out more, or request a telehealth appointment online today. Patients anywhere in Pennsylvania are welcome.

Panic Disorder Q&A

What is panic disorder?

Panic disorder causes you to experience panic attacks, where overwhelming fear and anxiety take you over for brief periods.

Panic attacks can happen without warning at any time and are so intense and frightening that you might begin to avoid going out. Without treatment, panic disorder can have a considerable effect on your quality of life and may even become disabling.

The exact cause of panic disorder isn’t understood, but research shows it can run in families. There are likely environmental factors involved, and severe, chronic stress can often lead to panic disorder developing.

What symptoms does panic disorder cause?

Symptoms you could experience during a panic attack include:

  • Pounding heart
  • Sweating heavily
  • Nausea
  • Feeling like you can’t breathe
  • Scrambled thoughts
  • Shaking
  • Crying
  • Moaning or screaming
  • Inability to move

You may feel out of control during a panic attack or get a sense that something terrible is about to happen. Sometimes, panic attacks are so severe they can mimic heart attack symptoms.

Knowing that you could experience a panic attack at any time can cause you to fear one occurring when you’re out, which increases the stress you’re under and makes the situation worse.

How can I manage panic disorder better?

If panic disorder causes you to have frequent panic attacks, you might benefit from medication. Those most likely to help include antidepressants and anti-anxiety medicines such as serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

Beta-blockers may help some patients with physical symptoms like a pounding heart, while benzodiazepines can help with severe panic attacks for brief periods; however, neither are long-term solutions.

At Brightmind Wellness, Grace uses CBT to help patients with panic disorder. CBT teaches you how to think, react, and behave differently when you feel an attack coming on. It offers a long-term solution to panic disorder, helping to reduce panic attack frequency and navigate panic with resilience and courage.

Psychotherapy is highly effective in helping you achieve the best treatment outcomes. The most current and reliable scientific studies show statistically significant evidence proving therapy’s effectiveness as the only treatment or in combination with medications.

Find the tools that transform uncertainty into empowerment and fear into strength. Call Brightmind Wellness for expert help with panic disorder, or book a telehealth appointment online today.