
Attention & Focus Issues

Attention & Focus Issues services offered in Harrisburg, PA

Attention & Focus Issues

Lacking focus now and then is natural, but if it becomes a constant problem, you might have an attention disorder. Grace Muthami, PMHNP-BC, of Brightmind Wellness, based in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, helps people with attention and focus issues to sharpen their concentration, turning challenges into opportunities for growth and success. Residents across Pennsylvania can receive treatment via telehealth; just call Brightmind Wellness or request an appointment online today.

Attention & Focus Issues Q&A

What are attention and focus issues?

Attention and focus issues can make it difficult to concentrate. You might struggle to stop your mind from wandering at work, quickly lose interest in books and other forms of entertainment, and find it difficult to complete long-term tasks.

Attention disorders frequently feature additional symptoms like poor memory and behavioral problems.

What kind of attention and focus issues might affect me?

The most widespread type of attention disorder is attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Within ADHD’s umbrella are three sub-types:

Predominantly inattentive ADHD

Typical inattentive ADHD symptoms include difficulties concentrating, disorganization, forgetfulness, not taking in instructions, failing to respond, and making silly mistakes.

Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive ADHD

Symptoms of this type of ADHD include finding it hard to sit still for long, an inability to do anything quietly, talking excessively, frequently interrupting or not waiting in turn, and a desire to be constantly physically active.

Combined hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive ADHD

Combined is the most common ADHD type, where you have characteristics of both the other forms.

Attention and focus issues aren’t always connected to a behavioral disorder. Sometimes, they’re a symptom of depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems. They can also be due to stress, poor sleep, medication, and neurological conditions like concussion and dementia.

How are attention and focus issues treated?

Grace adapts each patient’s treatment plan to their individual needs. The two main branches of treatment are:

Talk therapies

There are various types of talk therapies. Psychoanalytic techniques uncover memories you’ve been suppressing for many years and help you deal with them. Other methods, like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), focus more on adjusting negative thoughts in everyday situations so you can better function.

Behavioral therapy techniques like CBT are typically the most helpful for anyone with an attention and focus issue. However, other types of psychotherapy may help if a patient has mental health problems like depression or anxiety.


Medications Grace might prescribe include antidepressants (of which there are many different types), anti-anxiety medication, or stimulants. Stimulant medicines are often helpful for attention and focus issues because they increase the chemicals in your brain that help with concentration.

To get a timely, accurate diagnosis and effective treatment for attention and focus issues, call Brightmind Wellness or book a telehealth appointment online today.